Riding Shotgun With Charlie


Claude Werner

Tactical Professor

Claude Werner brings his airsoft MP5 Zombie Eraser Z71 Edition. We had some time to hangout a little before we started filming at the home of Shelley & Brian Hill before the show. What I really like about Claude is that he likes to ‘stir the pot’ a bit..  And I noticed that when I spotted the SCCY handgun in his waistband. He did tell me that he pushes what others believe and the SCCY has been holding up to his 1,000 Days of Dryfire Challenge. 

The reason he’s called the Tactical Professor is because he’s analytical and date driven.  After joining the Army he was sent to West Point to teach tactics to cadets, which led to a Special Forces Team Commander. He’s also run a number of different shooting clubs.  He was a student at the elite Rogers Shooting School in Ellijay, GA, before he had taken enough classes and was asked to be the Chief Instructor there. I love that Claude calls the people who take classes with him “clients” rather than “students”.

After teaching at Tactical Conference, one of his colleagues suggested that since he’s good at data gathering and collating, he should gather data on “bad shootings’.  He’s broken it down in 11 categories of negative outcomes from a shooting, everything from negative police interactions to bringing a gun to the Statue of Liberty. We analyze a number of these negative outcomes. 

Claude shares what he calls the legal rules and the social rules of gun fighting. This should be of particular interest to everyone. He also talks about if you “can, could, must, and should” use lethal force against another human being.

One of the things that really struck me was when we talked about Claude’s thoughts on what is the ‘worst possible case’.  He emphasizes that it isn’t a 6’5” man with 4 GLOCKS and a couple of machetes.  It’s when you have to take a shot in the dark at a home intruder you haven’t identified and ends up being your child. It’s when you don’t yell out “Who’s there?” to identify who is in your home. So we need to rethink what could be your worst possible case. 

We also cover how the NRA courses are beneficial to many of the new gun owners. And a new training program with a simulator and how can help clients learn good trigger squeeze without having to deal with the bang and recoil of live fire. When new clients see the laser dipping down they’ll comprehend quicker what they are doing.

There’s really a wealth of knowledge you’ll gain from watching this show, so you’ll want to watch it a few times. And maybe even take some notes. You can also check out his blog or purchase some PDF books at the links below. 

Favorite quotes:

“I kept on going to it (Rogers Shooting School) as a student  because I just enjoyed it.”

“You have to know what the rules are. Some of those rules are legal rules. Some of them are social rules.”

“My opinion of the worst possible case is…you turn around and kill your kid. You’ll never have a decent night’s sleep the rest of your life.”

“If that person wasn’t willing to do what was necessary to protect themselves, why should I get involved?”

Tactical Professor Blog


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1,000 Days of Dryfire Facebook Group


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Tactical Professor Patreon


Rogers Shooting School


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